If you want to save your mental health, get rid of these five toxic habits. These terrible habits are destroying your mental health.
So, to begin this piece, I’d like to share a personal experience with you. My name is Jim, and I’ve been working out for six months now and haven’t seen much improvement in my physique.
He complains to his family and close friend about his lack of progress. He tells them what could be going wrong that he isn’t seeing any results.
After working out at the local fitness club for an hour, Jim goes home feeling tired but satisfied. He decides to reward himself by eating a Big Mac at McDonalds. In his mind, he thinks “I worked hard, I earned it.”
We’re all guilty of this; some of us just don’t realize it. But we all do things that sabotage our growth.
Bad Habits are hard to break, but they’re not impossible. Carry them around for awhile, then let go.
These are the 5 terrible habits are really bad for your mental health
You Waste an Absurd Amount of Time Feeling Sorry for Yourself
If you feel sorry for yourself, then you’re disconnected from the real world and you’re living in your own little world where you tell yourself how everything is conspiring against you.
Your focus will be directed towards the problems and failure, which will strengthen your feelings of pity and despair.
When operating from a “victims” mindset, your life and your mental health will always be a mess.
You cannot improve your life’s situation by constantly focusing on yourself. Instead, you may even get worse than before.
How to fix this:
- We don’t need to be sad because we’ve failed at something. Rather than feeling sorry for ourselves, let us instead focus on what we have. Let us write down one thing that we’re grateful for each day.
- When faced with a challenge or failure, don’t waste your time by feeling sorry about yourself. Instead, choose an appropriate course of immediate actions.
You Expect Immediate Results
Nothing in this world worth achieving comes easy. And if it does, then you’re not doing enough.
I know because I’ve done everything possible to get what I wanted and it took me 10 years to finally achieve my dreams.
So, if you want to achieve something worthwhile, you’ll have to work really hard for it. But, if you do your best, you can’t fail.
People on the net have mastered the skill of concealing any information that is real. However, the issue is we go around seeing people’s highlights (their best times) and assume they’re their actual lives.
The overnight successes of young entrepreneurs & influencer are circulating all over the net. These kinds of stories fuel our desire for instant results and fuck up our emotional state.
Despite the claims of quick fixes and easy solutions, real success takes hard work, perseverance, and commitment.
We often overlook the struggles and setbacks along the way because we’re too busy enjoying the journey.
When we fail to recognize the value of failure, we can end up sabotaging ourselves before we’ve ever started.
How to fix this:
- You need to create realistic expectations for yourself, it takes time, energy, and resources to build something that lasts, but if you believe in it enough, then you can succeed.
- Don’t set yourself up for failure by setting unrealistic expectations. If what you’re trying isn’t immediately obvious or isn’t showing immediate improvements, don’t assume that it’s not working.
- You’re likely to experience setbacks when trying to reach your goals; however, by aiming high and achieving small milestones along the way, you’ll eventually succeed.
You Resent People Who Succeed Because They’re Better Than You at Something

Our resentments come from our deep-seated insecurities, our personal failings, and sometimes from our subconscious ambitions too.
When we see others succeeding at something we’ve desired, we can feel envious. Envies often go unnoticed, but they’re harmful nonetheless.
When you compare yourself with others, you’re not really comparing yourself at all. You’re comparing them to you.
And if they’re better than you, then you must be doing something wrong. But if they’re worse than you, then you can safely conclude that you’re doing everything right.
So stop worrying about what others think of you. They don’t matter anyway. What matters is how much you respect yourself.
You’ll never be satisfied with what you have in your life and will likely ignore your unique abilities and talents.
How to fix this:
- Don’t compare yourself to others. You’re not going to win every time.
- Even when you are at the top of your game, you will still encounter people who are better than you in certain areas. Rather than trying to beat them, see them as your mentors and learn from them.
- Work together to achieve greater heights.
- Your success depends on your own actions, not on others’. If others succeed, it doesn’t mean that you won’t be successful. You can achieve anything you want.
You Worry Too Much About Pleasing Everyone
Contradicting yourself is a bad thing, but we do it anyway because we’re afraid of conflict or rejection. We convince ourselves if we can make everyone happy then everything will be fine.
People who want to please others think that if they don’t get their way, they won’t be accepted by others.
You cannot please everyone no matter what you say or do. We don’t always get to choose how others feel.
We shouldn’t indulge in this toxic habit of trying to please everyone at any cost. Everyone has the ability and capacity to deal with a wide range of emotions. It’s not our responsibility to stop people from experiencing negative emotions.
How to fix this:
- Pick your top 5 priorities in your personal and professional lives and rank them in order from most important to least important.
- Then ask yourself if you really follow through on these things. Do you put enough focus on what matters most? Is there any value in pleasing others?
- Our tendency to be people pleasers makes us value things that aren’t really important to us.
It’s okay if people don’t like you; they’re not going to be there for you forever. Just accept that fact.
You’re Wasting Your Focus on Things You Cannot Control
Focus on the things you can control instead of focusing too much on the things you cannot control.
We’re living our lives worrying about things or situations or people we have no power over.
We crave for a life where everything is under our complete controlle. However, no matter how hard we try, life will always be uncertain and unpredictable.
To be honest, we need to understand that we’re putting ourselves through tremendous mental stress by trying to hold on to or controlling everything.
Learning to let things be is an important part of living a happy life. It helps us free up our resources so that we can focus on the things we can actually accomplish.
When you feel stressed or overwhelmed, remind yourself that there are lots of situations in life for which you don’t have any influence.
How to fix this:
- Identify your fears; when you notice yourself worrying about things you cannot control, stop and think about why you’re worried. Ask yourself if you really believe that anyone else would do something wrong.
- You may find that you’re just anxious because you’ve made an assumption about another person’s intentions. In addition, you might discover that you’re not actually afraid of losing something valuable, but rather you’re afraid of being disappointed.
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