The Video games are not just a leisure activity focused on young people. Well targeted, they can become very effective therapies to improve physical and cognitive functionality in older people. But also an effective tool to promote socialization. Video games are, therefore, an excellent functional and cognitive therapy.

In fact, the occupational therapists at the residences of NAMI use the Wii console video games with the residents, because they enable physical and cognitive training in a way playful, and are an excellent functional and cognitive therapy. Furthermore, as stated by the Health Director of NAMI, Victoria Pérez, they promote personal autonomy and, above all, “the neurorehabilitation of residents with motor or perception impairments, as a consequence of stroke, osteoarthritis, joint limitations due to neuromuscular diseases, such as Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, etc.”

Individual sessions respond to the specific rehabilitation needs of the person and set therapeutic objectives. They are done through games, where sports movements such as tennis, golf or bowling are practiced and dancing and other aerobic activities are performed. All of them allow you to work on balance, coordination, strength, speed of movement, dexterity and movement sequencing in a fun and enjoyable way.

Physical rehabilitation

The benefits of working on these physical areas in older people are multiple. “Thanks to the repetition of exercises presented in the different tests and games, an improvement is observed in eye-manual coordination, trunk control, postural reactions and movement planning,” says Victoria Pérez.

And this helps residents become more agile in carrying out daily activities, such as dressing, grooming, combing their hair, shaving, etc. This is how the Health Director of NAMI explains it: “By developing these movements in a motivating and fun way, movement patterns, postural control and motor planning are better integrated. And also the various cognitive challenges that arise daily. In this way, training with the Wii enhances skills necessary in the activities of daily life.”

Cognitive, emotional and relational stimulation

The main objective of using video games in NAMI centers is neuromotor rehabilitation, but therapists are aware that the benefit is holistic and that Wii therapy favors the development of other key areas for the well-being of older people such as communicative, emotional and relational ones.

Therefore, these professionals take advantage of the use of this tool for cognitive, emotional and relational stimulation, through group sessions.

In this sense, Victoria Pérez confirms that Wii therapy increases attention, concentration and memory. In addition, it highlights its benefit on a social level: “When older people play together they socialize and connect in a different and healthy way. They also show solidarity with the team and show their support.”

In short, video games are an excellent functional and cognitive therapy.

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