Preserving the bond with family and friends is essential for the physical and emotional well-being of the elderly, which is why resuming family visits to the elderly who live in residences has been an achievement, but we cannot let our guard down. It is necessary that these visits continue to be carried out in accordance with the relevant security measures.
In NAMI new protection, prevention and care measures have been implemented against COVID-19 and the entire professional team has been trained and provided with the necessary material to care for and protect the health of all residents. Furthermore, family members are constantly informed so that they know what action protocols and measures are implemented in our centers. But it is important that family members are aware of the responsibility of complying with these measures for the safety of residents and workers.
Some of the tips that families should take into account to safely visit seniors living in residences are the following:
- Voluntarily delay the departure of the elderly out of residential centers because they pose a risk to them, the workers and the rest of the residents.
- The family member should postpone visiting the elderly person if they have symptoms or have been in contact with an infected person, even if they do not have them. A single contagion would force a ban on visits to the center.
- Caregivers and family members of the resident must notify the centers in advance to organize visits. When you arrive at the center, it is recommended to follow the instructions given by the professionals and not make any movements that are not indicated.
- If the elderly person leaves the center, it is suggested that they do so alone oraccompanied by their caregiver or regular visitor. It is advisable to avoid visiting private homes, restaurants or celebrations with friends.
- Visitors and residents should use the mask permanently, both inside and outside the premises, except during meal hours and only by users.
- Family members and residents should respect the safety distance of 1.5 meters, both in relation to residents and in relation to workers.
- Family members and residents should maintain constant hand hygiene before arriving at the centers and during visits. In the centers you will be provided with sanitizing liquid.
- Families must respect the rules of each center when visiting. Each facility has its requirements and characteristics, its departure times from the rooms, its hours of walking through the common areas and its group activities. The professionals are happy to give the pertinent instructions to both family members and residents.
We dedicate all our efforts so that our seniors live in a protected, safe and comfortable place. Our main commitment is to convert our centers into safe living spaces adapted to the current situation
These recommendations have been agreed upon by all the companies that are part of the Association of Dependency Services Companies (Aeste), to which NAMI belongs.